Kehillas Chazon Elimelech
Was founded with the brachos of gedolim from the United States and Eretz Yisroel and has been built through the generous donations of community members and supporters across the world.
Over the past two years
We have gone from just finding our feet to settling firmly in Afula Illit. Through the support of the generous donors we have been able to renovate our shul. We baruch Hashem now have a comfortable ezras nashim, a kitchen and space to hold our growing minyanim.
We have, b"H, been able to plant a thriving community beis midrash in KCE, supply a full library of sefarim, host shiurim, tishes and community events.
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Cadle, who both have many years of chinuch experience, dedicate enormous time and energy every day ensuring that every child in KCE receives the chinuch that is best for them.
Please take part in our Avodas Hakodesh and help us build Chazon Elimelech. KCE has a registered Amuta (Israeli non-profit organization) and 501c3 status in the United States.
For credit card donations through Nedarim Plus:
For other Donations:
For tax deductible donations in America, bank transfers or other methods of donation, please leave your contact information below and we will get back to you right away.
Shul Membership:
Kehillas Chazon Elimelech asks that community members join in supporting our shul and our growing community by purchasing a yearly shul membership. If you have not yet, please leave your details below and we will get back to you right away.